The samba and the carnival go hand in hand in Brazil. Again, it is a flirtatious dance; performed at about 50 bars per minute and characterised by the distinctive ‘samba tick’, it captures the excitement of the Rio carnival. It was introduced to Europe from South America in the late 1930s, but generally caught on after World War II, when it became incredibly popular due to its infectious music and lively rhythms.
- Basic Movement (Natuaral, Reverse & Progressive)
- Samba Whisks to R. and L.
- Promenade Samba Walks
- Side Samba Walk
- Stationary Samba Walks
- Close Rocks on RF & LF
- Reverse Turn
- Corta Jaca
- Travelling Bota Fogos
- Natural Roll
- Open Rocks to R and L
- Promenade Bota Fogos
- Backward Rocks on RF & LF
- Plait
- Shadow Bota Fogos
- Volta Spot turn to R & L for Lady
- Travelling Voltas to R and L
- Continuous Volta Spot Turns to R & L
- Circular Voltas to R and L
- Contra Bota Fogos
- Samba Locks
- Promenade to Counter Promenade Runs
- Cruzados Locks in Shadow Position